Holy Hiatus Batman!
Ok I haven’t updated the blog in a while, but rest assured, dear reader things have been moving along at, I dunno…let’s call it lilting speed.
Let’s see what’s happened:

I got a new computer back in August and it is sooooo much better than my old Sony Viao. I mean that thing was Bad with a capital B.

I took off some of October to deal with Halloween costume preparations (It’s my favorite holiday, and it’s kind of a big deal) and most of November to participate in Nanowrimo.
I’ve started incorporating audio into the game. I haven’t quite pinned down a musical style. I thought of having jazzy rifts play, after finding a baritone sax sound pack that I liked, but I don’t want to be accused of trying to be a Cowboy Bebop rip off. I’m not sure if this is a valid concern, but I have it none the less.
Unbeknownst to me, IndieCade moved up their submission this year to March 15/April 15 (late submission date) rather than the summer so I’ve advanced to full on panic mode, cutting features and trying to figure out art.
I did a reworking of the Mining minigame just to make it a bit more complex. Perhaps I’ll make a separate post about that.
Speaking of art, I’ve been experimenting with pixel art a bit more because I need to start replacing all the temp art in the game with assets I can actually use. And while pixel art in games is, if not already, quickly becoming played out, it’s an art style I, as a programmer, can create on my own. My pixel art is pretty basic, but I can improve on it as I go.

And that’s pretty much it…well, it’s not…but I gotta get back in the game.